2025 (6)
- January 15th | Hydroclimate volatility on a warming Earth
- December 19th | Warm and “wet north/dry south” pattern to continue in California
- February 16th | Additional storms to bring renewed flood risk to parts of CA
- February 3rd | After a very active Dec-Jan, a (much) calmer start to Feb
- September 7th | Heat and possibly some dry lightning in NorCal to ring in autumn
- March 24th | The Ridiculously Resilient Ridge returns…again
- November 23rd | Very dry weather across California through mid-December
- February 14th | Very dry conditions to continue at least through late February
- September 27th | A cooler start to October, but little precipitation on the horizon
- October 28th | Dry and increasingly warm start to autumn in California
- November 15th | Strong storm across NorCal today; SoCal remains mostly dry
- July 20th | Summer heat to return to California in late July
- April 1st | The Rise of the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge
- June 22nd | Very unusual summer storm in Northern California
- February 18th | Quick-hitting but potent cold storm for California
- January 9th | Sudden shift to a very cold pattern over California!
- December 16th | Active weather pattern to continue across California
- November 25th | Big storms on the way for Norcal!
- February 21st | The “non-winter” of 2011-2012 continues
- October 4th | Strong early-season storm for California
- August 17th | A revamped Weather West
- August 15th | The blog is back!
- July 26th | Blog moving today
- June 17th | Update #2 on site hack
- May 3rd | Update on site hack
- March 19th | Major California storm this weekend
- March 17th | Test post
- February 21st | Very cold with possible low elevation snow this week!
- February 16th | Very cold and stormy weather over California
- January 17th | Mid-winter dry spell to continue across California
- December 26th | More rain for California this week
- December 12th | Potentially very wet pattern on the way for California
- November 18th | Very cold, strong early-season storm for California
- October 23rd | A wet week ahead for Northern California
- September 7th | Fall tidings: early showers and an intensifying La Nina
- July 10th | More typical July weather to return to CA
- May 10th | Seasonable springtime pattern over CA
- April 19th | Major springtime convective event across California
- April 4th | Strong storm in NorCal; warmer week ahead
- March 29th | Very active weather in California this week
- March 23rd | Unsettled spring weather on the way
- February 28th | Cold and wet week ahead for California
- February 25th | Storm still on track for Friday
- February 19th | An active weather pattern for most of California
- February 16th | Warm and dry weather to end by this weekend
- January 31st | Rainy week ahead for much of California
- January 21st | *Strong thunderstorms next 24 hours in Southern California*
- January 19th | *Intense storms track through California; worst yet to come*
- January 15th | *Very stormy pattern for California; flooding possible*
- January 8th | Major pattern change: finally in the works?
- December 20th | Some rain early this week, but mostly calm weather prevails
- December 6th | ***Record snowfall likely in Central Valley tomorrow***
- November 23rd | Quiet weather continues in CA; an appeal for publicity
- November 15th | Colder and wetter week ahead
- November 9th | El Nino ripping; MJO active
- November 7th | Quiet weather this week; El Nino ramping up
- October 30th | Uneventful fall weather for a while
- October 24th | Cold storm for the upcoming week
- October 18th | A more typical October pattern
- October 10th | Big October storm still on track
- October 2nd | Windy weather week ahead
- September 27th | Dramatic change on the way
- September 18th | Late-season heat wave on the way
- September 11th | Quick weather update
- September 10th | Software update
- August 28th | A spectacular near-miss
- August 19th | Big monsoonal push?
- July 27th | Heat tapers off–unusually deep cutoff low?
- July 10th | El Nino as arrived; summer heat to return
- June 29th | Pre-monsoonal surge in SoCal
- June 14th | Summer storm in SoCal?
- June 3rd | Cut-off low brings thunderstorms to CA
- May 13th | May heat wave on the way
- April 28th | Dramatic pattern change once again
- April 23rd | Dramatically cooler and more active next seven days
- April 6th | Unsettled springtime pattern to prevail
- April 2nd | Major pattern change again
- March 19th | Quick-hitting but intense cold storm this weekend
- March 11th | Late-winter dry spell to continue
- March 3rd | Showers and thunderstorms; dry weather to return
- March 1st | Another wet week in NorCal; SoCal showers (?)
- February 25th | Active late-winter pattern to continue
- February 19th | Updates; a new storm
- February 15th | Flash flooding in SoCal likely; burn areas at risk
- February 14th | Big storm off the coast
- February 5th | Rain…rain…and more rain? A Fabulous February after all?
- February 3rd | Rain again in CA; dry again by next week?
- January 26th | Sunny with a good chance of water restrictions
- January 23rd | Rain now; dry again next week.
- January 19th | Extraordinary uncertainty abounds
- January 16th | At a critical juncture, uncertainty abounds
- January 13th | Extremely dry January to continue; a change on the horizon?
- January 7th | Mid-winter dry spell to continue to forseeable future
- December 30th | Re-developing La Nina and negative PNA: bad news for CA?
- December 23rd | Christmas storm for CA, then a drying trend…
- December 16th | Generally wet and cold weather to continue
- December 15th | Very brief (and snowy!) update tonight…
- December 12th | Winter blast for CA
- December 10th | Dramatic change in the weather for CA
- December 7th | Big change on the way?
- December 3rd | Blocking reigns supreme; no rain in sight.
- November 30th | A rather dry “wet-season” pattern continues…
- November 21st | Some sort of pattern change in the offing–flip a coin or three?
- November 13th | Very warm to record-breaking Nov. temps
- November 8th | Some rain today; no big storms for the next week or so.
- October 31st | Wet pattern here for a while?
- October 29th | Major storm for NorCal; rain for all?
- October 25th | Very interesting pattern ahead for CA
- October 24th | MJO-related pattern change on the way…
- October 20th | Typical fall pattern continues; possible “October Surprise”
- October 8th | Unseasonably cold and deep cutoff low
- October 3rd | Significant early-season storm still on track
- September 30th | Major pattern change on the way
- September 17th | Fall not far off in CA
- September 12th | Ike may be worst U.S. disaster in decades
- September 4th | Hot and dry CA
- August 28th | NorCal heat to ease; attention shifts to Atlantic Ocean
- August 15th | Who says CA weather in the summer isn’t interesting?
- August 6th | Period of dull weather; long-term potential
- August 4th | Brief but significant monsoonal surge
- July 27th | A return; bland weather but a dangerous fire
- June 18th | SoCal heat wave; a leave of absence
- May 29th | Bland weather returns
- April 29th | Will spring pass without any rain at all?
- April 21st | Rain to return to NorCal?
- April 17th | Cold troughs; the GFS is a liar…
- March 29th | Odd pattern for the upcoming week
- March 22nd | Unsettled north; typical spring pattern
- March 14th | Spring-like cold convective system for CA
- March 10th | Big changes in the offing for CA weather
- February 25th | Rather bland pattern for forseeable future
- February 21st | Powerful storm for NorCal this weekend
- February 18th | Short-lived pattern change over CA
- February 16th | Major pattern change for CA
- February 13th | Pattern change on horizon
- February 1st | Typical winter system this weekend; mostly dry next week!
- January 27th | Cold and unsettled; no big storms
- January 26th | **Dangerous Storm for Southern California**
- January 23rd | Very active but complex pattern
- January 22nd | Very cold and active pattern to continue
- January 20th | Very active pattern in CA
- January 19th | Cold and unsettled week ahead for CA
- January 15th | Cutoff for CA
- January 2nd | Worst storm in over a decade in parts of CA
- December 31st | Powerful winter storms to slam CA this week
- December 29th | Big storms in the offing for all of CA
- December 26th | Brief low snow event in NorCal
- December 23rd | Colder weather to move in
- December 17th | Rainy week in CA
- December 13th | Cold and wet NorCal this week; some rain south?
- December 9th | Typical winter dry pattern this week
- December 5th | First winter-like storm of the season for CA
- December 3rd | Significant storm possible for much of CA this week
- November 28th | Quick update
- November 26th | Never-ending SoCal fire season; hope for a pattern change?
- November 18th | Boring weather continues statewide
- November 14th | Severe Tropical Cyclone Sidr Threatens Bangladesh
- November 7th | Wetter weather NorCal; still mostly dry SoCal
- November 5th | A pattern change?
- October 25th | Dry weather continues
- October 21st | Extreme fire weather scenario unfolding in SoCal
- October 18th | And summer returns?
- October 16th | Pattern change again to warmer and drier weather
- October 11th | Active October Pattern Continues
- October 7th | Very active fall pattern shaping up for the West
- October 3rd | Rather active fall pattern in the Pacific Northwest
- September 28th | Fall has most definitely arrived…
- September 25th | Typically uneventful fall weather returns to CA
- September 20th | Late summer storm hovers off SoCal coast
- September 17th | Very unusual early fall storm to affect CA
- September 16th | Very unusual weather in the works for CA
- September 14th | Fall is fast-approaching; fire weather concerns persist
- September 5th | Pre-fall doldrums
- August 31st | Critical fire weather likely
- August 30th | Quick update…
- August 28th | Summer begins to show signs of a transition to fall…
- August 21st | Dean remnants=CA moisture?
- August 17th | Zaca concerns; tropical developments
- August 12th | Fire weather worstens; hurricanes Pacific and Atlantic
- August 6th | Dull CA pattern; fire season heating up inland
- July 28th | Stagnant summer pattern
- July 23rd | Some monsoonal advances
- July 17th | Extremely rare summer “storm” of Pacific origins
- July 9th | CA thunderstorm outbreak
- July 6th | Thunderstorms and fire…
- July 3rd | July heatwave; dry tstm potential
- June 25th | Live from Barrow, AK
- June 19th | Monsoon–not too far off?
- June 13th | Summer heat has arrived.
- May 30th | Mountain thunderstorms
- May 27th | Summer doldrums have set in
- May 16th | Summer has arrived
- May 6th | Warm and dry statewide
- May 2nd | NorCal spring showers
- April 29th | Spring pattern to continue
- April 25th | Typical spring weather
- April 17th | Actual rain this week?
- April 16th | April showers; dry end to the month?
- March 30th | Drought…it’s official
- March 24th | Strong spring storm
- March 21st | Uncertain future
- March 21st | Wetter weather on the horizon
- March 19th | Major pattern shift to come…
- March 16th | Actual springlike weather on the way?
- March 14th | Summer for a few more days, then winter again?
- March 12th | Summer in March–A change?
- March 10th | March wildfires; dry and hot weather ahead
- March 7th | Warm…hot? Certainly dry…
- March 4th | Warm and dry
- March 1st | March is here…
- February 26th | Snow and thunderstorms…
- February 25th | Heavy snow event in NorCal this week
- February 24th | Heavy snow NorCal; light precip SoCal
- February 21st | Cold storms: tstms and low snow levels
- February 19th | Cold storm this week
- February 18th | SoCal Thunder, then NorCal snow?
- February 18th | Technical problems
- February 12th | Few days of dry weather, then an interesting scenario
- February 11th | Some showers; then dry again.
- February 10th | Wet pattern looks to be short-lived
- February 8th | Decent rains in NorCal
- February 6th | Rain.
- February 5th | Wet weather to make a return to CA
- February 3rd | Warm; winter; then warm again?
- February 1st | Dry and warm, then some rain?
- January 29th | Some showers in SoCal; dry once again by midweek
- January 26th | Some light precipitation this weekend, then dry once again
- January 23rd | Dry, still…
- January 22nd | Perhaps a few showers, but overall dry pattern continues
- January 21st | Record January dryness continues
- January 20th | Dry, a shower, then dry, dry, dry…
- January 18th | Dry weather for the forseeable future…
- January 17th | Warming and a very dry pattern ahead
- January 16th | Few showers of the frozen variety, then warmer and drier
- January 15th | Cold night, few showers, then dry
- January 14th | Still cold…
- January 12th | Cold(est?)
- January 11th | Cold(er)!
- January 10th | Sea level snow; frigid temps all around…
- January 9th | Cold!!!
- January 7th | Cold coming!
- January 5th | Cold event still likely; precip threat greatly reduced
- January 4th | Major pattern change on the way
- January 3rd | Small storm, then major pattern change next week
- December 30th | More dull weather to come
- December 28th | Storm summary; benign weather to come
- December 25th | Major winter storm in California
- December 24th | Wet and stormy NorCal; a little wet SoCal
- December 22nd | Possibly significant NorCal rain on Christmas
- December 19th | NorCal cold, then rain; SoCal persistence
- December 15th | Cold system; boring weather to follow
- December 14th | Extreme wind event OR/WA
- December 13th | Cold storm to affect CA; major wind/rain PacNW
- December 11th | Interesting developments?
- December 8th | Wet weather in CA; few rumbles of thunder?
- December 7th | Significant pattern change, but no major storms
- December 6th | Pattern change confounds models–Where’s El Nino?
- December 3rd | Major pattern change in Pacific; extreme fire danger SoCal
- November 24th | Very cold pattern setting up across West
- November 22nd | Longwave pattern shift; MJO active again
- November 7th | Historic rain event in Pac NW
- October 8th | Back to fall, again
- September 22nd | Extremely dangerous fire weather in CA
- September 17th | Extreme fire weather in CA; an early fall elsewhere
- September 9th | Summer may be coming to an end…
- September 7th | Yet more fire weather concerns; Ikoe’s remnants
- September 2nd | Hurricane John to significantly impact the SW United States
- August 27th | Hurricanes, fire weather, and more!
- August 22nd | Extreme fire weather interior; Ileana to the south
- August 21st | Extreme fire weather concerns NW; mostly calm elsewhere
- August 16th | Slightly more interesting…
- August 15th | Active interior West; quiet Pacific Coast
- August 9th | Summer doldrums
- August 7th | Unusual summer pattern across West Coast
- August 1st | Bland weather; possible cut off?
- August 1st | Back up and running…