Storm still on track for Friday

The strong storm system is still on track to impact much of California Friday into Saturday. Impacts in Southern California may be a bit more significant than previously estimated. This update is mainly to showcase a rather spectacular visible satellite imagery loop from today (imagery from the NRL):

Classic comma cloud defining the cold frontal boundary over the Eastern Pacific (NRL)



The storm is looking extremely impressive on recent satellite imagery and is somewhat stronger than progged. Some significant thunderstorm activity is possible along the cold front across the entire state. Strong winds and torrential rainfall are the biggest threats. Also, a strong t-storm threat may extend further south into Southern California going into Saturday. Strong veering winds may contribute to sustained updrafts and longer-lived cells. Again, would not be surprised to see a convective squall line develop near the front or some discrete cells develop behind the cold frontal rain band this evening. Stay tuned!


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