SoCal Thunder, then NorCal snow?

A quick update this evening…once again, sorry for the delay. The weak upper low that was dry when it passed through NorCal overnight gained a bit of moisture as it moved south just offshore of the coast and is currently developing a band of showers and some embedded thunderstorms east of Santa Barbara and west of downtown Los Angeles. I would expect this band to produce some widespread precipitation, locally heavy, north of San Diego tonight as it moves south and east. On Monday, showers and scattered thunderstorms will be possible just about anywhere south of Monterey County, with the small possibility of some very localized severe weather (hail and waterspouts, mainly). Most places will pick up at least some light precip, and there could be local heavy totals under thunderstorms. After that…we get 24-48 hours of dry weather before a more impressive system approaches CA from the northwest. I will discuss this system more extensively tomorrow, but at the moment there appears to be the potential for heavy rain…gusty winds…thunderstorms…and low/very low snow levels (below 1500 feet?) in NorCal. SoCal will probably see some more scattered convective activity with this event, as well. Stay tuned…

SoCal Thunder, then NorCal snow? Read More »