A revamped Weather West

First, I just wanted to thank everyone for sticking with the site through this period of transition! The extended downtime was frustrating for me as well, but ultimately the changes that have been implemented will make the site easier to maintain and navigate.

As many of you have already noticed, the URL of the California Weather Blog has changed from https://weatherwest.com/current_weather to https://weatherwest.com . All Weather West content will now be accessible from the blog on the main page, and this change should make Weather West easier to find in web searches. If you have not done so already, please update your bookmarks!

I am pleased to introduce a brand new Weather and Climate Links page (accessible using the tab near the blog header). This page will be a work in progress, but is eventually intended to serve as a comprehensive directory of all things California weather (and geophysical!)-related. Please check it out!

Moving forward, I plan to update the site less frequently but hopefully more comprehensively than in the past. I will no longer provide updates for every storm or pattern of interest affecting California, but will instead try to focus on the really big or unusual events that occur or are anticipated to occur in the near future. For day-to-day weather events, I’ll be more likely to make brief posts in the Comments section to keep things up-to-date when possible.

Finally, as the site has lost a great deal of traffic during the transition and since it is possible that some longtime users were lost in the flurry of server errors, please feel free to promote the new Weather West when and where appropriate. I truly appreciate your help!

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