Seasonable springtime pattern over CA

After an unseasonably cold and winter-like storm brought rain, wind, thunderstorms, and low snow levels to NorCal today, dry and much warmer conditions will develop statewide by later tomorrow and persist for the foreseeable future. Actually…at the moment…it does appear that mild and dry weather will continue statewide for at least 7-10 days. The GFS still paints a fairly unsettled pattern in the longer term, but given the time of year and the uncertainty of forecasts that far out, any additional precip chances this spring should be viewed with skepticism. Parts of CA will probably see some 90+ degree weather at times the next 7-10 days, but since we’re now in mid-spring, that’s hardly anomalous. All in all, this was a pretty good water year in California. I’ll have a more in-depth summary later when the season totals come in…



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